
Important Information Notice website revision notice

In the last days of the first month of 2020, I decided to revamp the website.

Istio 1.1 released

Istio 1.1 was released at 4 am on March 20th, Beijing time. This version took 8 months! The ServiceMesher community also launched the Istio Chinese documentation.

Donate Istio Handbook to the ServiceMesher community

To further popularize Istio and Service Mesh technology, donate this book to the community for co-authoring.

Kubernetes and Istio Service Mesh Cloud Native Local Video Demo Show

This video was recorded by me on the last day of 2018 and demonstrates the use of rootsongjc/kubernetes-vagrant-centos-cluster to automatically deploy Kubernetes clusters and Istio Service Mesh.

Kubecon&CloudNativeCon Seattle 2018

KubeCon & CloudNativeCon Seattle 2018 Data Sharing.

Kubernetes Handbook v1.4 is released

This is an obituary post-Kubernetes era. Kubernetes handbook by Jimmy Song v1.4 is released. The next focus of cloud native is Service Mesh!

Istio 1.0 is released

Chinese documentation is released at the same time!

MagicSandbox Alpha released

Online practical software engineering education platform.

Ballerina seeks Chinese ambassador

With official authorization from Ballerina, I now need to help them find an ambassador in China.

Chinese version of the latest official document of Envoy released

Translated by ServiceMesher community.