Managing Certificates in Istio with cert-manager and SPIRE

In this blog, I will guide you on how to use an external certificate authority (CA) to achieve fine-grained certificate management and automatic certificate rotation through the integration of SPIRE and cert-manager.

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In the previous blog post , I introduced how Istio manages certificates, and in this article, I will guide you on how to use an external certificate authority (CA) to achieve fine-grained certificate management and automatic certificate rotation through the integration of SPIRE and cert-manager .

If you are not familiar with SPIRE and what it’s used for, we recommend reading the following articles:

Introduction to the Certificate Issuance and Management Process

Figure 1 shows the certificate trust chain used in this article based on cert-manager and SPIRE:

Figure 1: Certificate trust chain based on cert-manager and SPIRE.

  • cert-manager acts as the root CA to issue certificates to istiod and SPIRE. We use a self-signed issuer , but you can also configure it to use built-in issuers such as Let’s Encrypt, Vault, Venafi, or other external issuers. You can also choose to use other UpstreamAuthorities , such as Vault, SPIRE Federation, etc.
  • SPIRE issues SVID certificates to the workloads and ingress Gateway and egress Gateway in the Istio mesh for mTLS between services.
  • The certificates used when accessing the ingress Gateway from outside the mesh and when the egress Gateway access services outside the mesh need to be configured separately.

Figure 2 shows the certificate issuance and update process after integrating SPIRE and cert-manager in Istio.

Figure 2: Certificate issuance and update process after integrating SPIRE and <em>cert-manager</em> in Istio.

  1. The Kubernetes Workload Registrar in the SPIRE Server automatically registers the workloads in Kubernetes and generates SPIFFE standard identities for all workloads.
  2. cert-manager issues and manages the CA certificates for istiod.
  3. The Envoy proxies in the workloads send certificate signing request (CSR) requests to the SPIRE Agent on the same node through the SDS API via a Unix domain socket (UDS).
  4. The SPIRE Agent sends the CSR to the SPIRE Server.
  5. The SPIRE Server returns the signed certificate to the SPIRE Agent.
  6. The SPIRE Agent returns the signed certificate to the workloads.
  7. SPIRE is responsible for the certificate management and updates for the workloads.

Now that we have a general understanding of the process, let’s install the components manually.

Install cert-manager

Run the following command to install cert-manager, which we will use for automatic certificate rotation:

kubectl apply -f

The root CA is a self-signed certificate. Run the following command to configure the root CA:

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Issuer
  name: selfsigned
  namespace: cert-manager
  selfSigned: {}
kind: Certificate
  name: selfsigned-ca
  namespace: cert-manager
  isCA: true
  duration: 21600h
  secretName: selfsigned-ca
  commonName: certmanager-ca
      - cert-manager
    name: selfsigned
    kind: Issuer
kind: ClusterIssuer
  name: selfsigned-ca
    secretName: selfsigned-ca

Then configure certificates for istiod:

kubectl create namespace istio-system
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Certificate
  name: cacerts
  namespace: istio-system
  secretName: cacerts
  duration: 1440h
  renewBefore: 360h
  commonName: istiod.istio-system.svc
  isCA: true
    - digital signature
    - key encipherment
    - cert sign
    - istiod.istio-system.svc
    name: selfsigned-ca
    kind: ClusterIssuer

Now that we have installed cert-manager and created a ClusterIssuer named selfsigned-ca, let’s install SPIRE and use cert-manager as the UpstreamAuthority for SPIRE.

Installing SPIRE

Quickly install SPIRE by running the following command:

kubectl apply -f

This YAML file adapts to cert-manager compared to the samples/security/spire/spire-quickstart.yaml file in the Istio 1.16 installation package, such as:

  • Adding permissions for the API group to the spire-server-trust-role ClusterRole;
  • Adding an UpstreamAuthority “cert-manager” configuration in the SPIRE Server configuration.

Note: The trust_domain in the SPIRE Server configuration should be consistent with the TRUST_DOMAIN environment variable specified when installing Istio.

This command installs the Kubernetes Workload Registrar , automatically registering the workloads in Kubernetes. All workloads will be registered with the SPIFFE standard service identity format spiffe://<trust-domain>/ns/<namespace>/sa/<service-account> based on their service accounts.

If you want to adjust the TTL of the SPIRE CA and SVID certificates, you can modify ca_ttl (default 24h) and default_svid_ttl (default 1h) in the SPIRE Server configuration. See SPIRE Server configuration .

Install Istio

Run the following command to install Istio and enable CA certificate rotation:

istioctl operator init
istioctl install --skip-confirmation -f - <<EOF
kind: IstioOperator
  namespace: istio-system
  profile: default
    # This is used to customize the sidecar template
        spire: |
            - name: istio-proxy
              - name: workload-socket
                mountPath: /run/secrets/workload-spiffe-uds
                readOnly: true
              - name: workload-socket
                  driver: ""
                  readOnly: true          
          # If enabled, if user introduces new intermediate plug-in CA, user need not to restart istiod to pick up certs. Istiod picks newly added intermediate plug-in CA certs and updates it. Plug-in new Root-CA not supported.
          - name: AUTO_RELOAD_PLUGIN_CERTS
            value: "true" 
      - name: istio-ingressgateway
        enabled: true
          istio: ingressgateway
            - apiVersion: apps/v1
              kind: Deployment
              name: istio-ingressgateway
                - path: spec.template.spec.volumes.[name:workload-socket]
                    name: workload-socket
                      driver: ""
                      readOnly: true
                - path: spec.template.spec.containers.[name:istio-proxy].volumeMounts.[name:workload-socket]
                    name: workload-socket
                    mountPath: "/run/secrets/workload-spiffe-uds"
                    readOnly: true

Since we are going to deploy the workload using the spire template declared in the Istio Operator, we run the following command to deploy the Bookinfo application.

istioctl kube-inject -f bookinfo-with-spire-template.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Note: The bookinfo-with-spire-template.yaml file used in the above command can be found in this Gist , and the only difference with the *samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml file in the Istio installer is that the following annotation has been added to the template for each Deployment:

annotations: "sidecar,spire"

Use the following command to check whether SPIRE has issued an identity to the workload:

kubectl exec -i -t spire-server-0 -n spire -c spire-server -- /bin/sh -c "bin/spire-server entry show -socketPath /run/spire/sockets/server.sock"

You can see the identity of the productpage service in the output:

Entry ID         : 68182621-aa9d-448d-9020-9b6ab3640b94
SPIFFE ID        : spiffe://
Parent ID        : spiffe://
Revision         : 1
TTL              : default
Selector         : k8s:node-name:gke-jimmy-cluster-default-pool-d5041909-5tzd
Selector         : k8s:ns:default
Selector         : k8s:pod-uid:6244a82c-2862-4452-a592-f79a41e5ccff
DNS name         : productpage-v1-6999d7b9d9-7szxm
DNS name         : productpage.default.svc

View the certificate trust chain for the productpage pod:

istioctl proxy-config secret deployment/productpage-v1 -o json | jq -r \
'.dynamicActiveSecrets[0].secret.tlsCertificate.certificateChain.inlineBytes' | base64 --decode > chain.pem

View the root certificate:

istioctl proxy-config secret deployment/productpage-v1 -o json | jq -r \
'.dynamicActiveSecrets[1].secret.validationContext.trustedCa.inlineBytes' | base64 --decode > root.pem

Open the chain.pem file with a text editor, and you will see two certificates. Save the two certificates in separate files and use the openssl command openssl x509 -noout -text -in $FILE to parse the certificate contents, and you will see the certificate trust chain in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Certificate trust chain for the productpage service.

View the certificate of istiod:

istioctl proxy-config secret deployment/istiod -o json | jq -r \
'.dynamicActiveSecrets[0].secret.tlsCertificate.certificateChain.inlineBytes' | base64 --decode > chain.pem

From the certificate trust chain, we can see that

  • cert-manager acts as the root node of the PKI to issue certificates for istiod.
  • SPIRE acts as an intermediate CA and then issues certificates for individual workloads.
  • The URI in the X.509 v3 principal alias of the workloads in the Istio mesh follows the SPIFFE identity specification.

Setting up Automatic Certificate Rotation

If you want to modify the rotation period for istiod certificates from 60 days (1440 hours) to 30 days (720 hours), run the following command:

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Certificate
  name: cacerts
  namespace: istio-system
  secretName: cacerts
  duration: 720h 
  renewBefore: 360h
  commonName: istiod.istio-system.svc
  isCA: true
    - digital signature
    - key encipherment
    - cert sign
    - istiod.istio-system.svc
    name: selfsigned-ca
    kind: ClusterIssuer

Run the following command to view istiod‘s logs:

kubectl logs -l app=istiod -n istio-system -f

After two minutes, you will see a certificate change log similar to the following:

2022-12-23T03:48:42.697360Z	info	Update Istiod cacerts
2022-12-23T03:48:42.697503Z	info	Using secret type for signing ca files
2022-12-23T03:48:42.778241Z	info	Istiod has detected the newly added intermediate CA and updated its key and certs accordingly
2022-12-23T03:48:42.779459Z	info	x509 cert - Issuer: "CN=istiod.istio-system.svc", Subject: "", SN: d7acac2301045f741e5e30cff380deaf, NotBefore: "2022-12-23T03:46:42Z", NotAfter: "2032-12-20T03:48:42Z"
2022-12-23T03:48:42.779561Z	info	x509 cert - Issuer: "CN=certmanager-ca,O=cert-manager", Subject: "CN=istiod.istio-system.svc", SN: 164bf045670a1716ed3f0f1c89b56122, NotBefore: "2022-12-23T03:48:14Z", NotAfter: "2023-01-22T03:48:14Z"
2022-12-23T03:48:42.779642Z	info	x509 cert - Issuer: "CN=certmanager-ca,O=cert-manager", Subject: "CN=certmanager-ca,O=cert-manager", SN: 8533dbfe0b84ed1fc4e3c76be7ef612f, NotBefore: "2022-12-20T07:50:12Z", NotAfter: "2025-06-07T07:50:12Z"
2022-12-23T03:48:42.779657Z	info	Istiod certificates are reloaded

To modify the automatic rotation period for workload certificates, you can set the environment variable SECRET_TTL of the pilot-agent command, which defaults to 24h0m0s.


In this article, we used cert-manager as the PKI, integrated SPIRE into our certificate chain of trust, and created identities and certificates for workloads in the Istio mesh. Using cert-manager means you don’t have to worry about istiod certificate expiration, and you can renew certificates as needed. You can also integrate cert-manager with certificate providers, such as Let’s Encrypt , HashiCorp Vault , Venafi , etc. You can also use istio-csr to let the cert-manager manage certificates in Istio directly. Use istio-csr to integrate an external CA with a certificate manager or use Vault to store certificates .

If you’re new to service mesh and Kubernetes security, we have a bunch of free online courses available at Tetrate Academy that will quickly get you up to speed with Istio and Envoy.

If you’re looking for a fast way to get to production with Istio, check out Tetrate Istio Distribution (TID) . TID is Tetrate’s hardened, fully upstream Istio distribution, with FIPS-verified builds and support available. It’s a great way to get started with Istio knowing you have a trusted distribution to begin with, have an expert team supporting you, and also have the option to get to FIPS compliance quickly if you need to.Once you have Istio up and running, you will probably need simpler ways to manage and secure your services beyond what’s available in Istio, that’s where Tetrate Service Bridge comes in. You can learn more about how Tetrate Service Bridge makes service mesh more secure, manageable, and resilient here , or contact us for a quick demo .

This blog was originally published at .

Last updated on May 20, 2024